The Lord Of The Rings
Sound Files


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The Fellowship Of The Ring



"The world is changed..."-Galadriel

"My Precious"-Gollum

"A Wizard is never late..."-Gandalf

"You've been officially..."-Frodo

"I don’t know half of you..."-Bilbo

"Legend tells of a Ring..."-Gandalf

"You cannot wield it!..."-Aragorn

"The ring must be destroyed"Legolas

"Is it secret? Is it safe?"-Gandalf

"This is the One Ring..."-Gandalf

"The weapon of the enemy..."Boromir

"It was made in the fires..."Elrond

"I know what I must do..."-Frodo

"Even the smallest..."-Galadriel

Aragorn ("Strider") & Frodo